To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press the "Track" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received.

Order Tracking & Order Status FAQ

Please enter your order number and billing email to get your Tracking number or an update on the status of your order. if you forgot or misplaced your order number please get in touch with us and we will help you out 

Please proceed to to the City Pack tracking website by CLICKING HERE . upon which please enter your tracking number – Your Tracking Number will be notified to you by sms

This can seldom occur because your payment was made through FRIMI,MCASH Genie or Online Banking Platforms . This is because banking  systems takes longer to authorize there transactions as opposed to VISA , MasterCard Or American Express . There is no need to panic please get in touch with our team and we will help you out – TEL .+94 706 000 770/+94 706 000 660 . you can also reach out to us through Facebook and WhatsApp by clicking here 

It means your payment is successful and we are in the process of packing and delivering your items we will update the tracking number shortly